
Jun 2024 I am an invited speaker at the Generalist Agent AI Tutorial and a panelist at the 2nd Workshop on What is Next in Multimodal Foundation Models? at CVPR 2024.
May 2024 We are releasing XGen-MM: a new 4.6B model that achieves state-of-the-art performance on few-shot learning and multimodal benchmarks.
Mar 2024 I am an Area Chair for ECCV 2024.
Jan 2024 I am a speaker at Congreso Futuro 2024.
Nov 2023 I am a Senior Area Chair for CVPR 2024.
Sep 2023 My team at Salesforce Research is hiring! We are looking for strong candidates for Researcher Scientist and Applied Scientist roles in the areas of Multimodal AI (video + language, multimodal understanding and generation, etc) and AI Agents (simulation and planning).
Jun 2023 I am an invited speaker at the 5th CVPR Precognition Workshop.
Jan 2023 I am an Area Chair for ICCV 2023.
Mar 2022 I am an Area Chair for ECCV 2022.
Feb 2021 I am co-organizing the 2021 International Challenge on Activity Recognition (ActivityNet), a workshop held in conjunction with CVPR 2021, and previously with CVPR 2020 and CVPR2019. I also co-organized the ActivityNet Large Scale Activity Recognition Challenges, a series of workshops held in conjunction with CVPR2018, CVPR 2017 and CVPR 2016.
Jan 2021 I am an Associate Editor for IEEE TPAMI.
Dec 2020 I am an Area Chair for ICCV 2021.
Feb 2020 I am co-organizing the Compositionality in Computer Vision workshop at CVPR 2020.
Feb 2020 I am an Associate Editor for IROS 2020.
Feb 2020 I am an Area Chair for CVPR 2021.
Jul 2019 I am an Area Chair for CVPR 2020.
Feb 2019 I am Tutorials Co-Chair for ICCV 2019.
Aug 2018 I am an Area Chair for CVPR 2019.
Jun 2018 I am the Program Director for Stanford AI4ALL.
Jun 2018 I am Member of the AI Index Steering Committee and SAIL liaison to the AI Index.
Aug 2017 I am an Area Chair for CVPR 2018.
Feb 2015 I am the recipient of a Google Faculty Research Award. February 2015.
Aug 2013 The President of Colombia invited me to the celebration of the UN International Youth Day. August 2013.
May 2012 I was selected one of the seven 2012 Microsoft Research Faculty Fellows, and the first second-generation recipient
Dec 2011 I am the recipient of a Google Research Award. December 2011.
Jun 2010 I would like to connect with other Latin Americans in Computer Vision.
Jun 2010 I was involved in the organization of CVPR 2010 as a Volunteers Chair.
Dec 2009 I was an organizer for BAVM2009: Bay Area Vision Meeting on Image and Video Understanding; Stanford, CA. August 14th, 2009.
Jul 2007 I was part of the UIUC-Princeton Team that won the First Place (software league) in the 1st Semantic Robot Vision Challenge at AAAI-07. You can visit our Team Page; we were featured in The Wire, the ECE Illinois Weekly Newsletter; and also in the Princeton CS Department news.